Thursday, May 20, 2010

S1 Ep22 "Born To Run"

(started 5/20/10 02:30)

Okay, one more episode tonight and I'll get some shuteye.

Charlie is certain that his records sales went platinum when word got out he died in a plane crash. MMkay.

What is certain is that Kate is screwed when they do get rescued, as she is a fugitive. Unlike Charlie, she doesn't need the press.

Random dude tells everyone that they should have left yesterday on the raft because it's now monsoon season. Don't believe him - that guy played Jay Leno in the telemovie of the Late Night War (the first go-round) with Letterman. He is not to be allowed judgement calls.

Well looky there. Locke revealed the hatch to Sayid and Jack.

Michael is looking ashy. With good reason - now he's doubled over. Did somebody give him spiked water? Appendicitis? Tapeworm?

Somebody slipped him a mickey. Jack finds residue in the bottom of a bottle. It was probably Sawyer. He did call him Mickey earlier.

Hurley wins the prize for blowing open other peoples' secrets. Don't tell him anything in the future...

Walt knows that Locke shouldn't open the hatch. Precognition. Great.

Sawyer exposed that Kate altered dead-Joanna's passport. Okay, but it doesn't mean she poisoned Michael. Not necessarily.

Yes, she did manage to get her childhood sweetheart killed in Pre-Crash Life. Poor MacKenzie Astin. She did not, however, poison Michael.

Sun did it. Damn. There's a bunch of misguided people on this island.

Sawyer and Kate - just do it already. I'm becoming bored of you two and your tension.

Walt admitted to Michael he burnt raft 1.0 - and that he has to get off the island. It must be the hatch thing.

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