Friday, May 21, 2010

S3 Ep8 "Flashes Before Your Eyes"

(started 5/21/10 15:17)

Desmond saves Claire from drowning.

Hurley believes that Desmond can see the future. He and Charlie get him drunk but he reacts negatively and walks off into the darkness.

When he was knocked out by the hatch implosion, he flashes back over a great deal of his life, all to do with Penny. It's more than a flash, because he's very in the moment, like he's reliving it. Except that he's aware of his time on the island. Maybe this is happening because he was unconscious, except after he woke up naked in the jungle, the future flashes keep happening.

He meets Fionnula Flanagan from The Others (the movie - HA!HA!) who knows everything going on with him, past present and future, who instructs him that this is all about course corrections. Now matter what he does to change the future, the universe will right itself on its intended course. (And we find out his middle name is David - so yes, he's definitely there for the Hume Destiny Fork dealio.) Sadly, the universe says it isn't in the cards for De and Pen, and he breaks it off with her. She of course doesn't understand this, or accept it, apparently, as we find out later from the Russian guys in the snow.

So his odd behavior on the island is now about him trying to change the future to prevent bad stuff from happening. You can't change it, he cries.

Desmond needs to save Charlie, and he tells him this: Charlie dove in after Claire to try and save her, and Charlie was supposed to drown. If Des hadn't put up a lightning rod on Claire's place, the lighting was going to hit the roof and electrocute him. The universe wants to kill Charlie.

He says he can't hold it forever. But then why is Desmond continuing to do this? He knows the future can't be changed, so why does he keep preventing it? The universe will have its way, after all it's course-correcting.

He can't stop it forever. Cheer up Charlie. It'll be over soon. Maybe you can start up with the smack again to make it easier on yourself?

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