Thursday, May 20, 2010

S1 Ep24 "Exodus pt2)

(started 5/20/10 07:20)

Claire is an exhausted and whiny mess. Charlie asks for a gun from Sayid to stay behind and protect her.

Yeah right they're going to give you a gun. You plugged Ethan 4 or 5 times practically point blank. Not that he didn't deserve it, but Charlie will waste the ammo with overkill.

Arnzt (I'm sorry but he is the Leno Guy as far as I'm concerned) doesn't want to explore the Black Rock ship, so he sits outside with Hurley bitching and giving a litany of perceived slights in his life.

Seriously, why hasn't Hurley lost any weight? It's been a month. He should be down by 50 pounds. Richard Hatch did.

And hello? Dynamite sweats nitroglycerine when it gets warm. That's why people keep it in the freezer.


Arnzt is blown up. Bye bye Leno Guy.

PCL: Jin finds out int he airport bathroom that his father in law has someone following them and knows he's planning on running away with Sun. Let me guess, the dude tailing them will be sitting in the back of the plane. With Bernard and AnaLucia, I presume.

Sawyer sings Bob Marley's "Redemption Song" while back on land Sun watches the horizon. Music swells.

Shannon is a packrat. But a grieving packrat. Sayid tried to reason with her. I hope he's realizing she's a headcase and regrets their dalliance. But no, he assists her. Don't do it Sayid. She's going to end up on "Island Hoarders."

Hurley, just no. Leno guy didn't blow up because of your curse. Hurley is not the center of the universe. Or is he?

Jack and Locke are playing a game of Operation with the dynamite. Whee!

Claire is left alone with Danielle, who is in camp raving about needing Sayid. Charlie takes of to get him. Danielle wants to hold the baby (which Claire hasn't fricking named yet?!? WTF Claire?)

Claire sees scratches on Danielles's arms and flashes back to her captivity. Great. Danielle would be a babysnatching Other, wouldn't she?

Charlie comes back to Claire screeching that the baby is gone. He punches Sayid and blames him for bringing Danielle into the camp.

Hello? She walked herself onto the beach, Charlie. And don't punch Sayid anymore. Dude probably can kick your ass and kill you 14 ways. At least.

Sawyer's only written one letter in his lifetime? Not even to Santa Claus? That's kind of sad.

Charlie promises Claire he'll being Aaron back. Congrats to the baby, who finally has a name!

Michael is letting Walt hold the rudder on the raft. What could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, they lose the rudder. Sawyer jumps in to swim to it while Jin drops the sail. They get him and the piece back onboard, but Michael looks a little pissy to discover Sawyer has a gun. Hello? It's for the sharks. Chill out, dude.

Sun wonders if they are on the island as punishment for their past. Claire states there is no such thing as fate. Get Claire in touch with the writing staff - she's out of the loop.

Hurley and Locke are trekking along. Hurley thinks there are twinkies inside the hatch/bunker. He would.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Keep it up. I too though of Jay Leno every time I saw Arntz
