Thursday, May 20, 2010

S2 Ep16 "The Whole Truth"

(started 5/20/10 22:04)

By the way, where in the blazes is Michael? No updates on his progress at all.

I couldn't get into this episode much at all. Don't like seeing Jin being heavy-handed with Sun, even if he's just trying to protect her. She finds she's pregnant but through their backstory we see it's been a struggle.

The other storyline involves Ana, so no wonder I don't care so much for it. She grates on me.

She interviews Henry Gale, after being brought in by Locke, gets him to draw a map to where his balloon is and where the wife supposedly is buried. Ana, Sayid and Charlie set out trekking to other parts of the island to find said balloon.

Problem is with Sun, she is afraid to tell Jin because he is the one that makes it impossible to conceive. Well, let's remember they are on an island where a paralyzed dude can now walk. It's a miracle, and when Sun does tell Jin he accepts when she swears she has not been with another man. He has already told her how he needs her - he can't understand anyone but her - literally. Maybe he'll stop being quite so frustrated and treat her better and with more care now.

Henry (using the old supposition method) reveals his plan to Locke and Jack of sending Ana and the balloon party straight into an ambush by his people. He does this quite nonchalantly over breakfast cereal. As suspected, he used the ego struggles of Jack & Locke to start driving a wedge, he's a manipulator - that one.

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