Thursday, May 20, 2010

S2 Ep4 "Everybody Hates Hugo"

(started 5/20/10 11:25)

Have a cluckety cluck cluck day, Hurley. Don't fall asleep on duty at the computer, dude. The dreams are weird.

People keeps asking Jin to pee on them. Hurley and his urchin issue. Sawyer and his bullethole. He must think causcasians have a shared fetish.

PCL Hurley passed out when he won the lottery. $114M, I would too. And Jesus called him to see what color car he wanted.

Dear writers, why is it we still haven't met all the castaways? There still random faces strolling about in the background, like on soap operas, mouthing "rutabaga" in fake conversation. We got the names Steve and Scott at one point, but then Steve was killed. Are you afraid to tell me any new names for fear I might grow attached and forget about main characters?

Hurley brings Rose to the bunker. They are going to inventory the food stores. Rose knows Bernard is fine. Don't ask her to stop using the present tense.

Claire finds the bottle full of messages on the shore.

PCL Hurley ate a lot of chicken. And gave out a lot of napkins. Those things cost money you know?

Charlie feels left out of the loop and complains to Locke about it.

Sawyer gets out of pit jail to join his raftmates. AnaLucia has a bad attitude. But you know what? She's a drunkdriver in real life. But so are a bunch of the actors on the show. Does Hawaii have no cabservice or something? Everybody got pinched for a period of time in the 5-0 state.

Charlie puts pressure on Hurley to give him peanut butter from the stores. Poor Hurley, he can't handle being The Man.

PCL Hurley asked out his crush before he collected his winnings. That's a smart guy right there. Get them hooked on the loving before they find out your true net worth. But given his bad luck issues, she probably gets run over by semi or something.

AnaLucia brings the captive trio back to the Others lair. They had said there were 23 of them from the flight. There are only a handful left. Wha'happened?

Hurley is worked up about becoming the bad guy in everyones' eyes. Why is he unwrapping the TNT? Don't even think about blowing the place up to get out of bring the pantry manager. That's weak.

There was an Outsiders reference. Hurley's PCL buddy telling him to "Stay Gold, Ponyboy" has me guffawing.

Seriously Hurley is attempting to blow up the storage room. Just know that if you get off the island $100+ million buys a lot of therapy, Dude.

Instead he talks to Jack. They open the storehouse to all. Charlie brings Claire peanut butter, which I hope in their new world means they're engaged. It's a sweet scene.

Still, there are a lot of faces "rutabaga-ing" the background. Remedy this, writing staff. Pronto.

Meanwhile, back with the captives, we meet Bernard. And I'm a puddle. I knew it was coming, but it's still very sweet.

We see Rose with his ring on her necklace.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear... you do not want to ask the writers to show more of the faces in the background. You'll regret that one later...
