Sunday, May 23, 2010

S6 Ep16 "What They Died For"

Very good episode.

Wasn't expecting to get any answers but am glad to come away with a few.

It confirmed some of the last episode and Jacob is right that their lives sucked when he found them. Although I don't think he was that helpful at all. Cool stuff with Jack becoming the new Jacob. How he'll stop MIB I don't know.

I like how Jacob explained that he didn't want to choose anyone; that he had never been given the choice for the job. And then Jack steps up to the plate.

Love how things are coming together in LA-timeline. Ben has turned back to the dark side. Figures that would happen although I'm glad he might get a happy ending in the LA-timeline.

I do have some issues though. Did not care for the death of Widmore. I don't think he's really gone - that is so anti-climactic if he is. They built up an intriguing character and then crapped out on him. He says he was redeemed and then is killed (appropriately, by Ben.) What a waste of a character.


I was actually pleased to see Ana Lucia. For once.


Hey guys... I DID IT!

As I prepare to hit Publish it is now 20:53. The DVR is waiting for me and the end is near.

Whooo hoooo!


  1. Are you gonna post your thoughts on the finale?

  2. Congratulations! Enjoy the finale and then get some sleep...if you can!!!

  3. The list of people whose life was improved by Jacob's intervention is extremely short. Rose and Bernard, sure. Maybe Jack, maybe Kate, probably not Sawyer or Hurley. Everyone else is dead.

  4. BRAVO! Way to build the drama with the technical failure.

  5. Oh Jamie - the drama was in my living toom this morning. It came really close to being ugly. If I wasn't about to lose my medical insurance I'd have been punching and kicking walls.


  6. Very nicely done. Thanks for a great blog!

  7. way to go and congratulations on a great job!

  8. And Congratulations! This is where I stop for now. I have yet to watch the DVR'ed series finale. :( I will read your comments as soon as I do! Thanks for this recap! It made me realize that this show had a good run. :D
