Sunday, May 23, 2010

S6 E4 "The Substitute"

LA Times:

Locke is with Helen. Yay!

Yay Rose! Nice speech about accepting one’s limitations, however it’s no “Don’t Tell Me What I Can’t Do!!!!”

Helen telling Locke she doesn’t care if Locke never walks again. It’s good to see Locke finding some happiness.

Locke becoming a Sub: metaphor for what is happening to his body back on the Island

Ben Linus - European history teacher. Bwah!


Island Times:

Loving the Point of View of the Smoke Monster before turning into Not-Locke.

Richard is completely different when he’s being terrorized.

I know I should, but I don’t care about the Temple. Other things are far more interesting to me. Other than Ben’s “eulogy” and Frank’s line about it being the weirdest funeral he’s ever been to, bleargh.

Okay, I want to get to the cave – THE CAVE - because, “that is why you’re all here.”

Jacob’s numbers on the cave:
4 — Locke
8 — Reyes
15 — Ford
16 — Jarrah
23 — Shephard
42 — Kwon

Not-Locke says he’s not sure Kwon is Sun or Jin, but I think it’s either both of them or maybe Ji Yeon, since she was conceived on the island?

Is Shepard a reference to Aaron and not Jack?

Loving Sawyer’s response of “Hell Yes”


My brain may fold in on itself with all this stuff


  1. "My brain may fold in on itself with all this stuff"
    Cant say you weren't warned. 7 minutes & counting.

  2. No one else really cared about the Temple either.
