Saturday, May 22, 2010

S4 Ep9 "The Shape of Things To Come"

On the island:

The doctor on the boat washes up on the beach with his throat slit.

Jack tells Daniel to use Morse Code to communicate with the boat.

Daniel says a helicopter is coming in the morning.

LIE! Bernard knows Morse Code.

Jack gets Daniel to admit that a rescue was not in the game plan. Ever.

Jack is in pain and taking meds.

Locke gets a message on Ben's phone: code 14J, a perimeter break

Ben barricades himself, Locke, Hurley, Aaron, Claire & Sawyer in his house

Miles shows up with the commandos & show they have Alex as their hostage

Ben lies and says she means nothing to him and THEY SHOOT HER.

Bad bluff, Ben

Ben releases the smoke monster (I KNEW IT!!!)

Ben sends Locke and the rest away and holds Alex for a moment to say goodbye

Locke pulls a gun to keep Hurley with them to take them to Jacob's house.


Flash Forward:

Ben of Tunisia! (Lawrence of Arabia's lesseer known cousin)

It's 2005

Ben sees Sayid on TV, and goes to find him in Iraq

Sayid married to Nadya, but she was killed in LA

Ben tells Sayid Charles Widmore hired the man who killed Nadya

So this is how Sayid comes to kill "for" Ben - they are getting rid of all Widmore's associates and henchmen

Ben vows he will kill Widmore's daughter.

NOOOOOO! That can't happen - That's Penny. What anbout desmond and Penny - a love for all time?

Ugh - this is tangled.

(OOPS - forgot to hit publish on a few entries) My time stamps are off now.

1 comment:

  1. This was such a good episode. I love the mercenary Keemy. He is frikken awesome.
