Saturday, May 22, 2010

S4 E11 "Cabin Fever"

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.

I don't even know what to say. There was so much! Awesome. Just, mind-twistingly awesome.

Destiny is a fickle bitch. But yeah, I think that Locke is there to replace Ben. Locke was probably meant for the island all along (preemie babies in the 50s/60s didn't have a whole lot going for them.) Once Locke became paralyzed they kept Ben in play as the leader - I theorize, at least - until Locke could get to the island.

So, are Alpert and Abbadon two alternate forces working on Locke? Light and dark? Would they really go there? When Abbadon showed up and we hadn't seen his face yet, I thought it might be time-travely Walt, because of the way he called him "Mr. Locke." But having watched Fringe I know that's Lance Reddick and we've seen him before.

Claire at the cabin was so... odd. I'm starting to think that Aaron is Jacob. (nooooooo... this isn't possible, not really. I reserve the right to change my mind.)

Move the island? WTF?!?

I love all the little details. The knife. The comic. The little jar of... volcanic ash? The drawing of Smokey?

Sooooo much stuff to think about from this. My mind is spinning.


(OOPS - forgot to hit publish on a few entries) My time stamps are off now.

All caught up now on blogging and publishing (had a whoopsie for a few hours) and according to calculations, I should be able to start watching the finale on my Tivo before it finishes broadcasting. I'll even be able to get some shuteye tonight.


  1. Congratulations...

    This is the point I feel where the viewing audience was tricked into getting involved in a sci-fi genre series.

  2. Hrm... sci-fi elements, certainly. But (for example) you can't say that Season 6 falls within sci-fi genre too comfortably, could you?

    I think it's a little more mash-up than that.

  3. When Abbadon showed up and we hadn't seen his face yet, I thought it might be time-travely Walt, because of the way he called him "Mr. Locke." -that would be mind blowing

  4. @stephen...

    from where we began, survivors on a an island to a purple skied event and distortion in time and space and everything else..

    The show is far different at this point then it was in season 1... (and yes, I Agree season 6 is not quite sci-fi)... but I won't say what I think it is because no spoilers.

  5. @Charles

    I don't disagree with your examples (purple sky, etc)! I guess what I was trying to get at - poorly - is that I don't really see this episode, late in Season 4 as being the point where the audience was tricked into watching a sci-fi show. To the extent LOST is/contains sci-fi, it started well before this point. The purple sky when the hatch imploded, Desmond flashing through time/consciousness, etc... it a lot of it was laid down explicitly as early as Season 2, or so I thought. I didn't watch "Cabin Fever" and think that all of a sudden, we're in the sci-fi zone. That was all I guess I was trying to get at. I just did it terribly inartfully!

  6. Stephan,

    in retrospect, I completely agree with you...

    I guess what I meant to say this is about the point where my mom realized that this was a different show than what she started with ;p

    I should get back to playing soem red dead redemption.
