Friday, May 21, 2010

S3 Ep18 "D.O.C."

(started 5/22/10 00:00)

Mikhail the Russian made me waste a lot of time doubting my language skills. He said the parachute girl was speaking Italian. I'm fluent in Italian and Spanish (and can read Portuguese) and that was not Italian.

Didn't help either that Hurley said she was mumbling in Spanish - which is pretty close to Portuguese, but it's not Italian. The book cover is also in Portuguese.

So once that was out of the way... it leads to an abbreviates synopsis on my end.


Kate helping Sun determine the conception date. I know she's a plant, but I really hope she did this for truly altruistic reasons. That she truly wants to give her good news, and not just because she will eventually need to interlope as an Other.

However, Juliet did leave Sun while she ducked back into the hatch to make a quick report to Ben.


Oh yeah, how did Mikhail live through the giant electric pole fence thingie? Was that a big fakeout?


How is it possible that back in the real world they have a plane from flight 815? I've been watching too much Fringe because all I can think about is The Other Side.

1 comment:

  1. ah, você lê em Português? não sabia... estou acompanhado tua maratona desde ontem, até mesmo como um modo de relelmbrar todos os episódios sem ter que necessariamente assisti-los de novo (só estou reassistindo a última temporada).

    and don't doubt your language skills, it was indeed Portuguese in the book's cover.

    keep it up!
