Friday, May 21, 2010

S2 Ep21 "?"

(started 5/21/10 02:05)

Upshot - Ana is dead (I can't say that enough) and Libby is dying. Michael faked that someone broke in and shot him then spirited Henry away. He has to hope that Libby doesn't come around and spill it that he shot everyone.

Poor Hurley. He was just trying to have a first date with Libby and she got shot trying to get some blankets for a picnic. No doubt this is another notch in his bad luck filofax in his head. And then Libby passes away. Poor Hurley.

Eko & Locke go tracking. They find another of the hatch bunkers. This one is Station 5, a monitoring station for observation in the Dharma Initiative. There is is videotape of Orientation, not an 8mm film this time. They can see in to the other bunkers, as they see Jack walking around. He doesn't know they are watching, of course. Hopefully there's a way to get the recording back to show Michael's treachery.

Also -pneumatic tubes connect the stations. Whee!

We spend some time with Mr Eko faking it as a priest in his PCL.

How many times are they going to go find a new hatch? This is going to get old and redundant.

Locke is understandably upset at finding out the sequence execution is all for observation sake - rats in a maze he calls it. He feels deflated at the idea that he wasn't doing something important after all. He rails that nothing in his pathetic life is important, and the Mr Eko tells him that isn't so and the experiment meant something. I don't really get his rationalization, but it calms Locke down for the moment.

I am out for the night. My eyes are tired.

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