Sunday, May 23, 2010

S5 Ep13 "Some Like It Hoth"

Huh. Turns out the numbers were just some random serial number.

Go figure.

I'm curious about why Miles could even be in a position to SEE his infant self. Don't the laws of time travel say that you can't be in the same space as your future/past self?

Glad he got to see that his dad really did care about him when he was a baby. I'd be interested to see how his parents ended up separated, and if his mom told the truth when she told Miles he died a long time ago.

Okay, on the whole Ben/Widmore good guy/bad guy debate, I'm starting to think maybe Ben and Widmore are on the same side, just each in their own way. The guy in the van with Miles was the same one with Ilana on the island. Maybe these people might be trying to revive the Dharma thing again in 2007 or something like that. Because if they were on "Ben's side" so to speak, wouldn't Ben know who they were, and why would he have killed Cesar?


I've had to do some fixing this morning and recreate the entries for the last 8 episodes of Season 5.

Lots of computer / website loading issues this morning.

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