Thursday, May 20, 2010

S2 Ep7 "The Other 48 Days"

(started 5/20/10 13:45)

I presume we get to now catch up and see what the Tailies group has endured up to now.

Mr Eko and Ana save people by pulling them out of the water. Libby uses her year of med school training to set broken legbones.

The teddy bear isn't Walt's. There are other children here in this group.

At night, they are stalked. Mr Eko ends up bloodied in an attack with something unseen. The next morning there are people dead among them who are ragged and shoeless who weren't in the planewreck. They were in the island before they crashed. One of the flight attendants survived and tells them how they had been flying with no radar and in the wrong direction. They won't know where to look for them.

Days go by. People are dying of infection. Mr Eko seems to be taking it hard that he killed one of the attackers. Libby tells Eko he was just defending himself.

At the campfire one night, the kids and a few others are taken. Nine total. And in the pocket of a dead "native" they find a list of those who were taken: their names and what they were wearing.

Is there a second manifest list or something? Oooh, psychic listmaking!

Some dude named Nathan is suspect to Ana. She has dug a pit and thrown him in there. It's the jail they later but the raft boys in.

He's not as creepy as Ethan the Creepy Cruise Cousin, but he is from Canada, so he must be an infiltrator. Blame Canada!

Peace Corps tries to reason with Ana a few days later, stating that we aren't savages, but Ana won't hear of it. She wants a confession and to know where the kids are. She made promises, y'all.

That night Peace Corp gets him out of the pit. He gives nathan meager provisions and sends him toward the beach. Then he snaps Nathan's neck. Oh noes!

Day 27 they find a storage building with some blankets and a glass eye. Just what everyone has on their wishlist for Christmas! And a radio.

Peace Corps wants to go by himself to get radio reception in the hills. Ana goes with him, and they share some fruit together. A cat and mouse conversation and Ana trips him up in his story. Something about the list has to do with who was good? So the good people are being taken or the good people are being left? Whichever way you slice it, they were picking them off. They fight, roll down an embankment and she impales him. Kills bugs dead.

They hear someone on the radio but Ana is convinced it is the Others trying to trick them.

Day 40 - Ana cries. Mr Eko talks.

Day 45 - Jin washes up on the beach and they tie him up. He breaks free and runs to the beach, where Michael and Sawyer just landed.

Quick montage of the next few days that we've already witnessed. Thanks montage guy.

And Shannon's shot dead.

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