Saturday, May 22, 2010

S4 E12 "There's No Place Like Home, pt 1"

Flash Forward:

The Oceanic Six land in Hawaii, complete with a PR handler and a press conference

Aaron is being passed off as Kate's

Jack, Sun, and Hurley are all reunited with their families

Kate has nobody there for her, except Aaron in her arms

Sayid is reunited with Nadia afterward

Hurley freaks out when he has the numbers in the odometer of the camaro

At Christian Shephard's wake, Claire's mother introduces herself to Jack and tells him that Claire was his sister.

Awkward, much?


On the island:

Daniel listens in on Keamy's communications with the Sat Phone. The mercenaries are headed to Orchid.

Juliet claims not to know what that is

Jack and Kate take the satellite phone and head off after the chopper. They run into Miles, Sawyer & Aaron.

Kate takes Miles and Aaron back to the beach, Jack and Sawyer continue to the chopper.

Frank is handcuffed to the chopper. He tells them that if they free him, he'll fly them off the island before Keamy captures Ben. They will kill whoever is with Ben.

Sawyer says Hurley is with Ben, so Sawyer & Jack go to save Hurley.

Sayid arrives on the beach. He's going to ferry people to the freighter.

Kate tells him Jack and Sawyer are going after the chopper, so Sayid and Kate go to find them.

Daniel is now the ferryman


Meanwhile back on the ship:

Jin & Sun are a little freaked out to see Michael.

The engines are working again, but there's RF interference.

Desmond sets out to find it.


Meanwhile, back at Orchid:

Ben, Locke, and Hurley head to the Orchid to move the island.

Too late -- the soldiers are already there.

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