Thursday, May 20, 2010

S2 Ep1 "Man of Science, Man of Faith"

(started 8/20/10 08:55)

Somebody is up and doing their waking routine. A listening station of some sort. Bad wake-up music. Making a shake. Riding the exercise bike. Muffled boom. We see up the laddered shaft and stare into the faces of our heroes.

Jack and Locke argue about going exploring any further without daylight. The doorway says Quarantine. That's not good.

PCL we see Jack in a bad wig in the ER. This is where he meets car crash Sarah, his future wife. She needs to dance at her wedding. A girl's gotta have goals.

Shannon. It's all about you. Still. Walt is going to be upset you can't find the dog. So upset you run into him in the forest. He's dripping wet and shhhhing her with a finger to his lips.

I guess the pirates are on the island. Great.

The TNT gang returns to tell the tale about the bunker, the hatch and the shaft. Jack wants to wait to move everyone there since the ladder seems inoperable. He's going to get left in the dust - the tribe wants to move out. Now.

PCL we see bad wig Jack. Sarah was already engaged when she had her accident. Her fiance seems like he's not hep to wiping her up for the rest of his life. I;m sensing he's about to bail. Bad form dude.

Locke and Kate are in the process of lowering her down the shaft. She slips, the flashlight drops and she sees a door open below. A bright beam of light illuminates and the cable goes slack on Locke's end. Kate's gone.

Jack arrives at the shaft and finds neither of them.He starts to descend. Don't do it Jack.

PCL Jack is running around a stadium and sprains something. An Irish guy is there to help out. Maybe he's Scot - it's a bit muddled for me right now. He's another "brother" saying dude. The world is apparently full of them. It's not just for Hulk Hogan anymore.

His name is Desmond and he bid Jack with "see you in another life" as he leaves. Prophetic.

Jack makes his way down the shaft and finds himself in the nerve center of the bunker. A geodesic dome ceiling, older computer equipment and reel to reels. Locke's there too. Where's Kate?

PCL bad wig Jack breaks the news to Sarah that she's going to be paralyzed, that the surgery didn't work. But she can wiggle her toes. Yay. He's so happy he decides to marry her right there and then. Well, no he doesn't but he may as well have.

Guess who is in the dome with Lock and Jack? Desmond, the brother-sayer. Because of course he is.


  1. It's actually "Man of Science, Man of Faith"

  2. I'm really enjoying reading this and seeing your reactions, especially since I know what you're in for.

  3. I guess the pirates are on the island. Great.

    Awesome insight...
